Infant Room

6 weeks - 16 months

Infant Program


In the early years, a child’s world is measured in inches as he/she reaches for something bright at the foot of the crib or for something colorful just overhead. Continually their senses are racing to grasp the world around them. The children are seeing, smelling, tasting, hearing and touching. Their small muscles are beginning the motions of grasping, crawling and walking. Their curiosity leads them to explore and investigate everything around them.

Large Muscle Development

Activities that promote large muscle development include crawling, climbing, blocks, push and pull toys, balls, and body awareness.


Cognitive Goals

To promote cognitive goals, we include a variety of activities in touch sensations, shape, texture, size and color; visual, tactile and auditory discrimination; colorful books, pictures and bulletin boards.


Social and Emotional Development

The infant’s sense of trust comes first and this trust lays the ground work for a feeling of security throughout life that aids in proper emotional development. We will provide activities to encourage this development of trust and building a bond with each child.


Music and Sound

We incorporate simple musical toys, movement to music, listening and singing to music throughout each day.

